Gesangspädagogik / Vocal Pedagogy
Modul I: "Stütze", oder was immer das ist! In diesem Modul lernen wir verschiedene physiologische und anatomische Eigenschaften kennen. Wir untersuchen ebenfalls Trugschlüsse und Gefahren herkömmlicher Ansätze. Diese Einheit ist praxis-basiert: Die Teilnehmer werden ihre erworbenen Kenntnisse sofort anwenden. Wir lachen, lernen und fragen viel und haben zum Schluss handfeste Werkzeuge für den täglichen Gebrauch in unserem Unterricht. Modul II: "Der Kehlkopf", wir lernen interne und externe Strukturen kennen und reden darüber, wie wir diese in Teilen und im Ganzen trainieren. Einige Mythen werden zerstört. Wir lernen auch, wie Kehlkopfarbeit und die Arbeit der "Stütze" kombiniert werden müssen. Dieses Modul ist ebenfalls praxis-basiert: Teilnehmer haben die Gelegenheit viele Fragen zu stellen und Erlerntes auszuprobieren. Modul III: "Der Vokaltrakt" behandelt fortgeschrittene Themen. Jeder redet darüber, aber keiner versteht es so ganz genau. Wir gehen langsam voran und machen viele Experimente. (Wir spielen viel mit Flaschen und anderen Gegenständen in diesem Modul!) Modul IV: "Wenn es nicht funktioniert", hier erforschen wir, was Ungünstiges mit Stimmen geschehen kann, wie man frühzeitig Probleme erkennen kann, was man dagegen tun kann, welche Wirkungen Medikamente haben, etc. Die nächsten Kurse finden statt:
Theorie Kurse:
Praxis Kurse:
![]() Testimonials"Judith Lindenbaum's way of demonstrating and teaching vocal pedagogy techniques is both unique and universal, as well of being of the highest quality. She is the consummate teacher. We have taught courses together for the past several years and our students not only sing all over Europe but also teach with skill and passion." "The workshops were invaluable in every way. I've expanded my vocal pedagogy horizons enormously and I was able to use what I had learned immediately in my teaching." "The tremendous progress that my students have made lately I can trace right back to my participation in the Lindenbaum vocal pedagogy workshops. Mrs Lindenbaum has a very clear concept but she also leaves lots of room for participants’ ideas and individuality." "During the Lindenbaum workshops I was supported, encouraged, and when necessary, taken by the hand. Every participant worked at his or her own level, so that even I, as a complete beginner, was never nervous or anxious. These courses have given me so much self-confidence!" "I took my first steps as a voice teacher in the relaxed and cheerful atmosphere of Mrs Lindenbaum’s workshops. As an enthusiastic participant in these courses, I’ve learned to pay attention to the individuality of every voice, including my own. I’ve learned to continually analyze my teaching and to listen for the requirements of each individual student." "Working with Judith Lindenbaum and Thomas Heyer in the pedagogical workshop in Cologne was extremely useful- my students are profiting greatly from the clear, fact-based ideas that I learned. The atmosphere was friendly and encouraging and I will definitely return to future workshops." |
Module I: "Support", whatever that is! This module will take you through the various anatomical and physiological features and will explore some of the fallacies and dangerous practices associated with the teaching of this most essential component. This is also a practice-based module: students will be invited to apply what they have learned. We laugh a lot and learn a lot and ask a lot of questions and come away with effective tools to use in daily teaching. Module II: "The Larynx". In this module we have a look at the inside and outside structure of our magical instrument and discuss ways of training it as a whole and in some of its component parts. We dissolve some myths, whilst keeping the sense of awe and wonder. We look at how laryngeal work connects to "support" work. Again - this is a practice-based module and you will have the opportunity to ask lots of questions and to try out some of the things we learn. Module III: "The vocal tract". This is the advanced stuff, that everybody talks about and nobody really seems to understand. We go at it very slowly, step-by-step, with practical illustrations and experiments. (We play a lot with bottles and things in this module) Module IV: "What can go wrong". We look at some of the things that can go wrong with voices, how to detect problems early on and find solutions, effects of some medications on the voice, etc. The next workshops are: Theory Courses:
Practical Courses: